Sunday, September 2, 2018

29/ To Write the Number 50, Part II

You brake on the straight
and accelerate on a nice rounded curve.
Then back up to the top for a quick,
smooth lateral on the Niner.* Or would
you prefer the Pivot?* You choose.
No hills,
no rocks,
no fallen logs,
no wasp nests.

You take a break, enjoy a pause,
absorb some refreshing white space
before putting on a ski (water this time)
to execute the graceful loop of great significance.
Piece of cake. Barely a ripple on the lake.
You’ve aced it, as you’ve aced so many things
in so many ways.

* Niner and Pivot are the brands of his mountain bikes.


27/ Places: Selling Stuff

I've been selling stuff (there's no better word to describe things we've owned but no longer want) online for a dozen or more ye...