Sunday, July 29, 2018

25/ BookBub

Every day I receive an email from BookBub announcing special deals on Kindle books. Some are free, and the rest are usually priced no higher than $2.99. They say you can't judge a book by its cover, but I know I've rejected some featured books on the basis of their titles. Recent ones in this category include Special Topics in Calamity Physics; Grape, Olive, Pig; Biscuits and Slashed Browns, Apartment Therapy, and Trouble in Mudbug.

But often a book's title sends me to Amazon to read more about it, and sometimes I click Buy Now With 1-Click. The Gray and Guilty Sea and A Fifty-Year Silence were two of these.


  1. I got excited about Bookbub, until I discovered that none of the highlighted offers were available to me. I hope you've found some decent bargains.

    1. I have. I've bought a lot of books via BookBub, and not all of them were for the Kindle. When I read in bed at night I like a paper book. So sometimes I become intrigued by a BookBub offering and then go buy a used copy on eBay. BookBub has introduced me to a lot of books and authors I wouldn't otherwise have known about.

  2. I picked up a copy of Special Topics In Calamity Physics at the library book sale. Haven't read it yet. But it was $5/bag day, and pretty much any book can be justified on that day!

    1. At first I thought it was a science book. But actually the title is somewhat cool for a mystery!

  3. I have never even heard of BookBub.

    1. They're out of Cambridge. You pick your genres, and they alert you to deals once a day. Never a nuisance. Here you go:


  4. They are wrong - you absolutely can judge a book by it's cover.

    1. I suspect "they" are wrong about a lot of things.

  5. I get that email too. Plus one from Goodreads. I bought about 5 yesterday because of that. So much for not buying books this year.


27/ Places: Selling Stuff

I've been selling stuff (there's no better word to describe things we've owned but no longer want) online for a dozen or more ye...