Tuesday, August 7, 2018

7/ If Dogs Could Purr

If Dogs Could Purr

If dogs could purr,
my chest, the part that holds
my heart, would vibrate,
and my throat would hum
to tell you how I feel
with your hand
stroking my back
and your fingers
smoothing the fur
around my ears like this.
I know if I rise to thank you
with my tail and tongue
the spell will shatter
and you’ll return
to your work. So I lie
here motionless, silent,
unable to do
what would come so naturally
if dogs could purr.


  1. If dogs could purr I would die.

  2. OK. I'm not sure what's up with me this morning, but everyone's posts are making me cry. This is incredible.

  3. I love this one.

    Speaking of purring. I am purring at night -- but not in happiness. My lungs are so full of gunk that I sound like I am purring.


27/ Places: Selling Stuff

I've been selling stuff (there's no better word to describe things we've owned but no longer want) online for a dozen or more ye...