Sunday, February 4, 2018


I started juicing vegetables in the 1970's. Stopped in the 1970's too. I resurrected my Acme Juicerator around 2010 and became faithful about juicing. Saw a Breville juicer in a documentary and had to have one. Bought one. Thoroughly disliked it. Read about masticating juicers. Spent a gift card and all my Amazon points on an Omega J8004. Love this thing!


  1. I should juice. But perhaps now, I'll think that I'm a masticating juicer when I eat fruit or vegetables.

  2. I love the "Acme Juicerator" name. "Acme" anything brings up fond memories of the Bugs Bunny show.

  3. "Acme" reminds me of a supermarket we had for years and years, then didn't.

    Mali, I'm sure you masticate faithfully and well.

  4. I have a Breville juicer that I love, but I don't juice very often, so it suits my purposes. If I juiced a lot, I'd have to go way more hardcore commercial. Kinda like how I need my Vitamix for the frozen fruit because I use it every single day. (Oh, and I saw that documentary!)

  5. I think my Breville was a lemon. It leaked. But I wasn't sure if the machine was at fault or I was, so I packed it up and shipped it to my granddaughter. My daughter loves her snazzy Breville toaster oven!

  6. I remember when we used to talk about juicing. I went through a phase. I felt healthy and lost some weight. But the veggies took up all my fridge space, so I stopped.

  7. They do take up a lot of space. And juicing takes up some time. Which I suppose at least partly explains why eBay and Craigslist are stuffed with lightly used juicers.

  8. I think I remember you posting on Facebook that you also use the pulp. Is that right? I think about juicing, but worry about not getting the fiber I need. I do make whole juice with my Blendtec blender though. Dean would be cross with me if I bought a juicer, although he has considered going on a juice diet.

  9. Yes, I've posted on FB about a couple of things I've made with the pulp, but mostly I put it in the compost or give it to the chickens. I get plenty of fiber. The thing about juicing, for me, is that I could never consume the sheer quantity of vegetables that go through my juicer. I like the idea of what you're doing too, and bought myself a Nutri-Bullet a couple of years ago but sent it back after seeing specks of black plastic in my smoothie.

  10. Think of it this way: If you don't use the juice as a meal replacement (I don't), you'll still get all the fiber you get now. Plus you'll get 97% of the nutrients in all those juiced vegetables.


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