Thursday, October 18, 2018

17/ A Scary Phone Call

“Vi” was a neighbor, much older than I, who lived up the road when we first moved here. She was a devoted member of the nearby Bible church, and her mission was to spread the word and save souls.

For several years we shared telephone service on a party line, but once we were able to get a private line she and I didn’t have much contact. However, when I was 37 she called me. I remember my age because my mom had just turned 38 when she died. Like most adults who lost a parent in childhood, I’d grown anxious as I approached my mother’s final age. The anxiety had begun in childhood, so it developed quite a head of steam over the years. Vi called on a particularly bad day.

You have to imagine her voice. It’s easy—just channel a loud Wicked Witch of the West. I picked up the phone and heard: “Susan! It’s time to prepare for your death!”


  1. OMG—did she have any idea? It's kind of hilarious.

  2. She had no idea. She knew I didn't go to her church—or any church—and she thought if I died in this state I was doomed. So it was up to her to save my soul. I agree, the story has its hilarious side—and it's even funnier in person because I can do her voice to perfection. It was so harsh!

    Not so funny was the card she sent after Jill died. She wrote that Jill would go to heaven "IF she'd paid attention to the Bible."

  3. Seriously? I think you need to find out where she lives and scare the bejesus out of her by pretending you've returned from the grave.

  4. Oh, I know where she lives. Well, more or less. She's saving souls in heaven now. Or not.


27/ Places: Selling Stuff

I've been selling stuff (there's no better word to describe things we've owned but no longer want) online for a dozen or more ye...